Make an Apples to Apples Specification Comparison
A little comparison shopping can mean the difference between being disappointed and feeling fully satisfied with your new home purchase. As mentioned in a previous blog entry, manufacturers’ base specifications can vary quite a bit and it is very important to know the details of a specification and their applications in order to make a qualified judgment on which is right for you.
Some manufactures begin with a much better set of quality specifications, but might have a little higher base cost. Others may start with a bare bones spec philosophy in order to get to the lower house price point, which may force you to either settle for specifications not of your choosing or to purchase options a la carte to obtain a your desired specifications.
We suggest that you get the specifications in writing from the manufacturers that you are considering. Put them side by side and perhaps compose a spreadsheet so that you are able to see what each has to offer by comparing apples to apples. Brand A may offer 3/4″ Tongue & Groove Fir Plywood Floor, glued & fastened while Brand B offers OSB (Oriented Strand Board) which is a glued board made with formaldehyde and wood chips as a standard. Another example to consider would be the size of the exterior walls. Are they 2×4 or 2×6? 2×6 exterior walls allow for extra insulation, which may or may not be a factor depending on your temperature zone.
The list of specifications to compare can be very long, so make sure you get all of the details to accurately do an Apples to Apples comparison to help you come to your best possible buying decision.